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Combined Proposal

Your product, Brand or Service needs good design, we all know that, but continuously working with the same design causes an inverse effect over time, the audience gets bored and goes from being perceived for more money invested in the networks. We make between 6 to 9 different designs, managing to arouse interest continuously

Mass Shipping
For 11 years we have been working with mass mailing or email marketing, with the best reputation in ISPs (mail brands). In Panama we have 850,000 subscribers in our delivery formats. The difference is considerable since the effect is immediate, the client will see increased levels of inquiries and sales...

social networks
Social networks are the ideal seasoning for any campaign, for 11 years we have been dedicated to social media with our own accounts and a high flow of followers on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, You Tube and Pinterest, exceeding 1.5 million followers among all accounts in increase, this solution...
Who is it useful for?
General Trade
Companies that want to increase their presence with new clients
Promotions and Offers
Health Sector, increase in the patient portfolio
Mass Shipping1 every 10 days (3 per month)
Social networks3 days a week (60 posts per day in different accounts)
Design: rotation every 10 days
Reasonsthat are designed: 6 per batch
today's marketing must work like a television structure, several times a day
only once a day is not viable considering that 2 million posts are issued per hour only the panama interface
Mail: administrator@desarrollomultimedia.net | WhatsApp: +507 6273 2193
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Some of our customers

Conditions and Policies
Promotions are not made to independents who do not have the proper commercial authorization (notifications of operations, chamber of commerce, etc.) and who do not demonstrate legal authorization to carry out commercial activities.
Multilevel promotions, pyramid schemes or investments are not carried out. That are not authorized by the commercial authority corresponding to the country of residence
Promotions of dating houses, useful services for men and women, pornographic material and everything that affects morality and good customs are not carried out
No political promotions or solicitations of any kind are made
Promotions of businesses, companies or entities that do not prove a legal address are not carried out, without being able to be the same virtual office or daily rental.
For those companies that promote charges by credit card, debit card or digital wallet, and that do not publish a physical address, must reference the bank, bank account number and name where they are duly in the publications authorized to receive payments from third parties. In this case and at an internal level, they must submit a copy of a partner document belonging to the firm. The Exception will be exclusively a link to a website duly enabled by the whois entity in the case of .com or .net domains and by the Foreign Ministry of the country corresponding to the domain in cases of .country domains, we do not accept .palau domains; .uk, .iv; .rav . The conformation and veracity of the domain is carried out by the zendesk company authorized before the alexa and whois authorities.
In cases where the reference website is in a social network and through it charges are made by credit card, the responsibility in case of fraud will be of the social network that authorizes the operations.